Bunjang Pay is an intermediary service that strives to protect transactions between sellers and buyers. However, improper behavior by the seller or buyer can cause fraud.
First, if the seller is selling the product again, it is better to check if the product has already been sold. In addition, it is recommended that you communicate with the seller to understand the situation and check the delivery status of the product.
If the product doesn't arrive properly or if you have been swindled, you can contact the Bunjang Pay Customer Center. Bunjang Pay is trying to mediate disputes between buyers and sellers, and take necessary measures to minimize fraudulent damage.
If you pay for Bunjang Pay, the seller enters the tracking number, and when the delivery is completed, buyer receives the item and presses confirmation to receive the purchase, so you won't be swindled.
If the product is different from description (unopened but not unopened) Can I request a cancellation of the transaction when I do?
even you don't press the transaction completion, the transaction will be automatically completed and settled in a week, so you have to talk with the seller during that period If you still can't solve it, you can ask the customer service.
Bunjang Pay can't protect 100% in all situations, so it's important for buyers to check the seller's credibility before trading, and to trade carefully.