Are you want to be kpop merchandise reseller? as you know, official kpop merchandises(DVD or Official Goods) are too expensive so it will be heavy financial burden on start of kpop reselling business. Allthatsales recommend kpop socks as a start item for your business. there are two reason for benefit of kpop socks.
Price Competitiveness
socks is cheaper item so you can buy various kpop group socks less than 1000USD. generally 1 pairs of kpop socks is less than $1USD so if you are selling kpop socks set (normally kpop socks between 4 member and 7members), you can have a big margin.
Weight is Lignt
you know, 1 pairs of socks is only 23g so 4-5 pair kpop socks set is less than 150g, so if you are selling kpop socks online, you can save shipping cost. this means that international shipping cost from korea to your country, also cheaper than other heavy items.
i will show you what kind of kpop socks do i supply to you.

We have close partnership with kpop socks manufacturer, so you can buy kpop socks wholesale price as same as korean retailor. we only get paid commission for your total order value. if you want to buy direct from korea and become kpop merchandise reseller, please contact to allthatsales. we can do buying service to your place. just remember Allthatsales is your korea buying agent, feel free to ask anytime and we will directly reply as soon as we can.